Our Team
Thomas Organ
Thomas Organ ACR is an ICON Accredited Conservator-Restorer with a career
starting at Canterbury Cathedral Wall Paintings Workshop in 1981. He became director
in 1991, then founded Arte Conservation, leading a team specialising in the conservation
of wall paintings and decorative treatments on plaster, canvas, wood, stone, and mosaics.
Tom’s team has worked on major conservation projects in the UK and internationally,
collaborating with organisations like English Heritage, Historic England, and the
National Trust. He has lectured on wall painting conservation and contributed to
publications such as "The Conservator" and "All Manner of Murals".
Email Tom
Rita Radovanovich
Rita is a specialist in easel painting and frame restoration, currently overseeing their
conservation at Arte Conservation. With over 20 years of experience in restoration,
she has built a broad portfolio, working on prestigious projects across the UK.
Other focusses are the restoration of polychrome surfaces, particularly plaster, easel,
paper, stone, and leather. Alongside this, Rita has undertaken private commissions
and taught water and oil gilding at the London Art School. Between 1986 and 2000,
Rita worked annually at Chatsworth House, restoring C17th wall and ceiling paintings
by Laguerre and Verrio in the Chapel, State Drawing Room, Music Room, Painted Hall,
State Bedroom, and Great Staircase, alongside conserving leather wall hangings.
Email Rita