

  • Sussex Heritage Trust – Winner Ecclesiastical Award – All Saints Patcham for conservation work on the 13th century Doom – Contractor: Pierra Limited. Architects John Bailey and Robert Davies, Thomas Ford & Partners, London.

  • Sussex Heritage Trust Awards – Highly Commended Award for protecting the 14th century heritage of St Nicholas Church, Arundel. Three nationally important wall paintings were preserved during roof replacement work over the north aisle working with John Morrison and Architects Jane Jones Warner and Graeme Mollins, Jane Jones Warner Associates


  • Europa Nostra Award for Conservation Strawberry Hill.  The restoration of Horace Walpole’s gothic mansion in Twickenham wins a European Union award for cultural heritage.  Arte Conservation carried out the conservation and restoration of the unique hand painted trompe l’oeil wallpaper scheme in the entrance hall and main staircase.


  • Downland Prize 2009 Joint Community Winner - for the restoration of the Friary Church of St Francis and St Anthony, Crawley


  • Shrewsbury Civic Society Award of Merit - for the restoration of 14th Century
    Wall Paintings, The Greek Orthododx Church, Sutton, Shrewsbury

  • The Reigate Society Award for the Restoration of the 18th Century Murals at Reigate Priory


  • The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors - The RICS Awards 1999: The Building Conservation Award for Cullacott Farmhouse